Display based on specific commercial transactions related to paid services

Service provider name

  • CyberFight Co., Ltd.

Representative's name

  • Yasuo Okamoto

Company location

  • Shiratori Building 1F, 2-1-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022

Contact Us

  • WRESTLE UNIVERSE Support Center
  • Contact Us


    business hours

    11: 00-18: 00 (Monday-Friday Saturday / Sunday / Holidays, excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

  • *As for the phone number, it will be provided without delay when requested for.

Site name


Product Pricing

  • Prices are listed separately for each product. All prices include consumption tax.

Necessary charges incurred by customers other than the product price

  • Basic mobile phone usage charges and packet communication charges set by mobile phone companies, etc. Maintenance of Internet connection environment using mobile phones or personal computers and communication charges required for Internet communication, etc.

Payment method and payment time

About monthly payment

  • At the same time as applying, a usage fee will be charged for this month and you can use the target content. Unless you complete the cancellation procedure by the last day of the end of the month, the usage fee for the next month will be automatically charged on the first day of the following month. Even if the contract is canceled in the middle of the month, the usage fee will not be refunded on a daily basis.

Service provision period

  • You can use it immediately after completing the enrollment procedure.

About returns, cancellations, etc.

  • Due to the nature of the service, we do not accept cancellations after the service starts due to customer convenience.

Available terminals, etc.

  • https://support.wrestle-universe.com/hc/ja/articles/4405532157593